Sex Stories That Are Really Embarrassing: 11 People Share Their Funniest True Sex Stories

Check out these side-splittingly funny tales of bedroom blunders from real people. From embarrassing noises to unexpected interruptions, these stories will have you in stitches. But don't just take our word for it, read them for yourself on this hilarious website. You won't be able to stop laughing!

Sex is a natural and beautiful part of life, but let's face it, sometimes things don't go as planned. We all have our fair share of embarrassing sex stories, and sometimes it's good to share them and have a laugh. In this article, we've gathered 11 real and hilarious sex stories from people who were brave enough to share their most embarrassing moments. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and prepare to laugh your socks off!

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The Walk of Shame

Katie, 28, had just started seeing a new guy and things were going great. One night, they decided to take things to the next level and have sex for the first time. However, just as things were getting hot and heavy, Katie's roommate walked in on them. In a panic, Katie grabbed the nearest thing she could find to cover herself – a pillowcase – and ran out of the room. She didn't realize until she got outside that the pillowcase was covered in her new boyfriend's, well... you know. Katie had to do the walk of shame back to her room with the evidence for all to see.

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The Surprise Visitor

Josh, 30, was enjoying a romantic evening with his girlfriend when things took an unexpected turn. They were in the middle of a passionate moment when Josh's cat decided to make an appearance. Not wanting to be left out, the cat jumped onto the bed and started meowing loudly. Josh and his girlfriend couldn't stop laughing, and needless to say, the mood was completely ruined. Lesson learned: always make sure your pets are locked out of the bedroom!

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The Squeaky Bed

When Sarah, 25, brought her new boyfriend home for the first time, she was eager to impress him. However, things took a turn for the worse when they decided to get intimate. As soon as they got onto the bed, it started squeaking loudly with every movement. Sarah's face turned bright red as she tried to play it off, but her boyfriend couldn't stop laughing. It turns out the bed had a loose spring, and Sarah had to endure the embarrassing squeaks for the entire night.

The Wrong Room

Mike, 32, was on a weekend getaway with his girlfriend at a romantic bed and breakfast. One night, they decided to spice things up and have sex in a different room for a change of scenery. However, in the heat of the moment, they didn't realize they had accidentally gone into the wrong room. As they were getting into it, the real occupants of the room walked in and caught them in the act. Mike and his girlfriend couldn't get out of there fast enough, and needless to say, they didn't get much sleep that night.

The Awkward Interruption

When Emily, 27, was in college, she brought her boyfriend back to her dorm room for a night of passion. Just as things were heating up, her roommate burst into the room without knocking. To make matters worse, she had a group of friends with her who all got an eyeful of Emily and her boyfriend in a compromising position. It was a mortifying experience, and Emily's relationship with her roommate was never quite the same after that.

The Unexpected Sound

When James, 29, was getting intimate with his girlfriend for the first time, things were going well until he let out an unexpected, ahem, bodily function. The mood was instantly ruined, and James was left red-faced and embarrassed. His girlfriend couldn't stop laughing, and they both had to take a moment to compose themselves before trying again. It was definitely a memorable first time for the both of them.

The Unfortunate Slip

Sarah, 26, was getting hot and heavy with her new boyfriend when she accidentally slipped and fell off the bed. Not only was it incredibly embarrassing, but she also ended up with a bruise on her leg. Her boyfriend was concerned at first, but then he couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. Sarah had to laugh it off too, but it definitely put a damper on the evening.

The Unwelcome Visitor

When Mark, 31, was hooking up with a girl he had just met, things were going great until they were interrupted by an unexpected visitor – a cockroach. Mark and the girl both screamed and jumped off the bed, and the mood was completely ruined. They spent the next hour trying to catch the cockroach, and needless to say, things didn't pick up where they left off. They both had a good laugh about it afterward, but it was definitely not the night Mark had in mind.

The Misunderstanding

When Emma, 29, was in the early stages of dating a new guy, they decided to take things to the next level. However, in the heat of the moment, Emma misunderstood what her boyfriend was asking for and ended up accidentally hitting him in the face. It was a complete mood killer, and Emma was mortified. Her boyfriend was a good sport about it and they both had a good laugh, but it was definitely an embarrassing moment for Emma.

The Unfortunate Timing

When Alex, 33, was hooking up with his girlfriend, they were interrupted by a phone call from his mom. Instead of ignoring it, Alex answered the phone and had a full-blown conversation with his mom while his girlfriend lay naked next to him. Needless to say, the mood was completely ruined, and Alex's girlfriend was less than impressed. Lesson learned: always put your phone on silent when things are getting steamy.

The Not-So-Silent Night

When Rachel, 30, was having sex with her boyfriend in her parents' house, they were trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid waking them up. However, things got a bit too intense, and Rachel accidentally let out a loud moan that woke up the entire house. Her parents were less than impressed, and Rachel and her boyfriend had to endure some awkward glances at breakfast the next morning.

In Conclusion

Embarrassing sex stories happen to the best of us, and it's important to remember that we're all human. It's okay to laugh at ourselves and our mishaps, and in the end, these stories make for great conversation starters. So the next time you find yourself in an embarrassing situation, just remember that you're not alone. We hope these stories brought a smile to your face and reminded you that laughter is the best medicine, especially when it comes to sex!